hoi polloi

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

was agnostic,but now i know better

what did i learn in the past few weeks? The title could mean two things:-
  • God exists
  • He does not (its still a man's world people call me a chauvinist if you will)
I found the former to be true. No i am not a soldier of Billy Graham or any other energised evangelist. Even better. I'm at law school. But that dosent really make sense one might argue. It does to me. It is the only possible rationale, indeed, i've run out of reasons, to explain athe quantum of inexplicable events that happen here. The law school 'experience' is an understatement. I've been here for just 3 months. Life dosent change so much in three months; atleast not so much of change everyday. See, its bad karma. I think its because of flinging a tadpole from the school swimming pool when i was 10 or 11 years old. I think the tadpole must have been a favourite of god. Blessed by god it was. So by harming it i have incurred his wrath. Why didnt he punish me right then?
God is sardonic. Most of you get punished right away for such seemingly small sins. But like i said, this tadpole was a favourite. So what does god do? He sends me to law school. He first tells me, through his (sinister) minions on earth, that law school is a nice place- somewhere you go spend 5 years of your life, have a lot of fun, come out and get a white collar job earning salaries higher than many hardworking IITans. Its not completely false either; you do get white collar jobs arning salaries higher than hardworking IITans-but that comes at the price of sacrificing the 'having a lot of fun' part. Infact, your experience is quite opposite to what may be reffered to as the "having a lot of fun" part. Like i was saying, so he(the sardonic god) makes me work for it,(once again through his sinister minions on earth) almost takes me away from it, but gets me in in the last minute, just to make me feel better about it. Then i come in. Initially it didnt seem that bad; god was busy punishing others. That's when the tadpole's soul reminded him of me. It said it its squeaky little tadpollie voice-" punish him! Punish him!". I guess he made the ride rockier for the tadpole's amusement. But then, i fought on. I have survived for 3 months. I am now battle hardened but also brainf*&^$d. But victory is at sight. Semester ends on the 29th. The final task is the end sems looming over like a cloud of gloom. With homecoming in sight, i think i will survive. Wish me luck.Amen.


At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well mr estrel.... I don't beilive in a God... I rather perform pagan worship....so i can't really comment on this piece of ures...i really can't think of anythin rite now...

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its been three months only now.theres next year, therell be juniors, therell be females to ogle at,and the for a tad bit, the tadpole might be just giving you what you wanted,dry state no bar.

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He agrees.

PS: You should enable comment verification in settings > comments before the spammers start to do their thing.

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He agrees.

PS: You should enable comment verification in settings > comments before the spammers start to do their thing.

At 6:00 AM, Blogger meteoraqueen said...

"God is sardonic " - what a statement.. !! nice entry though..n btw this is Anjali Ashish's frend..


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